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  • Writer's pictureJos Gordon

My Weird Internet Searches for The Wreckage of Light

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

I'm convinced that authors must have the shadiest browser histories outside of serial killers. After some very random rabbit-holes I went down, I figured it best to document the strange places I went to in order to deliver a more credible book.

Let's see if you can guess what happens in The Wreckage of Light based off of them!

Jos' internet searches while writing The Wreckage of Light that probably have her filed away in a government database:

  • How long does swelling last from a broken nose

  • How to cut off someone’s testicle without them bleeding out

  • How to strangle someone without killing them

  • What makes yellow jackets chase you

  • Do pigs need sunlight

  • Video of pigs eating

  • Rappelling without harness techniques

  • How to chop wood more efficiently with an ax

  • Cave roaches (I still have nightmares over this one)

  • Composting, do roaches live in compost pits

  • MMA techniques to fend off choking

  • Scalping someone alive

  • When was makeup created

  • Does a forge create a lot of smoke

  • How long does it take to ride a horse from New Orleans to Baton Rouge

  • Hummingbird snoring (so adorable, do yourself a favor and look this up!)

Hope you enjoyed these. For my second book, Ashes of Chaos, I'll go ahead and compile another one.

See ya later, gators,



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