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Who is Jos Gordon?

Jos Gordon, romance and fantasy author
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Jos Gordon began life wanting to be three things:


1. A Teacher      2. A Mom.      3. A Writer


Jos grew up in an army family, traveling the world, witnessing the myriad cultures that color the globe. Taking pen to paper, she started her writing career as a mere eight-year-old, documenting her travels in a journal. Then, she graduated to poetry in high school to deal with the teenage angst bestowed so generously on adolescent girls. 


But she hadn't quite found her place. 


After college, Jos taught English and Creative Writing to rowdy high schoolers. While teaching a Creative Writing elective, she received many heartfelt notes from students that she still has adorning her office walls, but one struck her in particular. A senior had written her saying that if she ever published, he'd be excited to read her own works. So, she challenged herself. She couldn't just teach writing if she wasn't writing herself. And thus began the four year journey that led to The Wreckage of Light. 


 During the day now, Jos is a full-time mom of three rambunctious children and two incessantly barking dogs but moonlights as a writer. Her husband often catches her mindlessly washing the same dish for five minutes if a scene is playing out in her head...but he's a good sport and knows the drill by now. 


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